Giving Corrective Feedback
The Tools for Teaching eNews Letter is an email sent out on the 15th of every month. It's content is based on the blog posts you find here. Since there is no way to subscribe to this blog yet (direct complaints to Wix) the eNews Letter acts as a great way to get Tools for Teaching info in your inbox.
This month's eNews Letter focused on giving corrective feedback and the use of Visual Instructional Plans. The video link in the news letter was broken, but we've fixed it here. If you are an enews letter subscriber, and you are looking for the missing video, you've come to the right place. If you'd like to subscribe to our enews letter please email us at _______
Giving Corrective Feedback The Helpless Handraisers are the students that raise there hands everytime they are asked to do something on there own. Their attempts at independent practice are minimal and if we help them too much we are only reinforcing the behavior. This "Learned Helplessness" is an obstacle to working the crowd since it usually takes 4-5 minutes to help each student. Using Visual Instructional Plans (VIPs) reduces helpless handraiser syndrome. The visual graphics for each step of the lesson help remind the students of the procedures in a simple, clear, and permanent fashion with little assistance from the teacher.
Procedure: When giving feedback to students and assisting them with questions, Dr. Jones says to do the following:
Take a relaxing deep breath
Take a second relaxing deep breath while scanning the student’s work with a fresh eye and ask yourself: What has the student done right?
Ask: What do I want the student to do next?
Praise the student for what he or she has done correctly.
Prompt the student to look at the next step on the VIPs for the lesson by beginning your statement with “The next thing to do is…”
Leave after you give the prompt; do not wait for the student to carry out the prompt.