Prime Factor Relay (Middle School)
Author: Toby Abrahamsen, Seneca Ridge Middle School, Virginia
Subject: Math
Objective: Prime Factorization
Materials and Preparation: Chalkboard and chalk for each team.
Student Grouping: 3 or 4 groups of 4 students
The Play:
Have students line up behind a player number 1 (P#1).
The teacher will announce a number, and P#1 will go to the board, write the number, and draw 2 lines for the next person.
P#1 will then return to his/her team, give the chalk to the next person in line, P#2.
P#2 will go to the board and write down 2 factors of the original number and pass the chalk to P#3.
P#3 lists the factors of the numbers P#2 has written - this continues until the prime factorization has been found.
When a player writes a prime number, they must circle it.
Once all prime numbers have been circled, the prime factorization must be written on the board.
Scoring: The first team to write the prime factorization of the original number wins a point.
Further Play:
If a student doesn't know what the next step is, they can pass to the next player in line.
If students yell out the answer to a teammate, a time penalty can be given for the next round
Diagram / Example:
Comments or Variations: You can also use this for LCM, GCF, or simplifying fractions (works great with prealgebra and variables).